Realize Your Inner Potential Towards Health & Wellness

MFR Physical Therapy
Unique and effective approach to therapy using the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Method.
$195 (1.5 hrs)
$140 (1 hour)
*Insurance Accepted
Click here to learn more.

MFR Yoga
Learn how to release myofascial restrictions in your body to ease pain.
$130/ 1hr Private Yoga Session
Click here to learn more.

Patient Forms & Insurance
Find your New Patient Form, Doctor Referral Form and Insurance information HERE.

Biz - Assist Program
Our program empowers practitioners like you with strategies to create an effective, sustainable, and profitable practice.
We invite you to come in and take the journey that will change your life!
“The issues are in your connective tissues, your fascia!”
Myofascial Release (MFR) finds the cause of our issues while treating the neuromuscular symptoms of our body and restless mind.
Our body is originally meant to be fluid but when stress, trauma or injuries from surgeries / physical issues arise, we lose our flexibility creating restrictions, pain or even inflammation.
At MFR YOGA™, whether you need a yoga session or a hands-on MFR treatment, we facilitate and guide you through releasing fascial restrictions so you can feel good in your body and live more effectively .
Therapeutic Art of Myofascial Release and Yoga

Get your copies now!!

Myofascial Release Therapy
Myofascial Release is an effective and safe hands-on technique that involves applying gentle pressure into the unique restrictions formed in Myofascial connective tissue. By doing this, we are able to restore motion and alleviate the pain at the source.
Myofascial Release therapists remediate the symptoms by addressing the cause. This is the reason why Myofascial Release provides lasting changes and not temporary fixes.

What is Fascia and How Trauma Occurs
Fascia is a tough connective tissue, which spreads throughout the entire body in a three-dimensional web from head to toe. Every organ, bone, muscle, nerve, artery, tissue and even cell of the body is surrounded by a continuous laminated tissue called fascia.
Any kind of physical or emotional trauma, injury or inflammation first manifests in the fascia resulting in restrictions and dehydration before presenting as symptoms of pain, stiffness, inflammation and rigidity of motion.

MFR Yoga
MFR YOGA™ is a style of yoga envisioned and created by Grace D. Vedala, PT, 200-ERYT. This therapeutic yoga approach is truly unique and one of a kind. MFR YOGA™ emphasizes on integrating the triad of John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release (MFR), Unwinding and Rebounding, along with Pranayama (breathing), Myofascial Body Rolling and mind-body awareness while students are in yoga asanas (postures)
Myofascial Release - The Search For Exellence
A Patient’s Guide to Understanding John F. Barnes Myofascial Release
Healing Ancient Wounds
A Therapist’s Guide to Understanding John F. Barnes Myofascial Release
The MFR Philosophy
The MFR philosophy is to evaluate and treat the entire person, not only focusing on where the symptoms are, but considering the connection of mind, body and spirit. MFR treats the “being” of a human being.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn How it Works!
“Why is my therapist treating my whole body rather than my specific area of pain?“
The traditional & linear approach to healing was to “fix” the symptoms instead of finding and treating the cause of the problem. Also, it usually overlook the effect of consciousness has on the healing process. The MFR philosophy is to look at the entire person (who has mind, body and spirit), not to just focus on where the symptoms are. MFR treats the “being” of a human being.
“Why are my symptoms feeling worse?“
What you are experiencing is the “healing crisis” or “therapeutic gain” – sometimes you feel worse before you get better. This process last around 2-3 days, but can go on longer for some. Why does this happen? This occurs as you begin to release into the deeper layers of fascial restrictions, not only can the symptoms intensify, but also other sensations or emotions may come to surface.This is your body’s way of bringing awareness into what you are actually dealing with everyday, but you “tuned-out” and “don’t feel” over time to avoid pain. At times, it can feel like you are taking 2 steps back and 1 step forward or zig-zagging or turning in circles in your healing.
”What should I do if I have a flare up?“
It can be scary when we experience healing crisis. Always remember -MFR is never injurious. Use the self treatment techniques your therapist has taught you along with having a consistent therapy sessions will help progress your healing. Spend some quiet time bringing awareness into your body, try to sink deeper into whatever feelings comes up and give yourself permission to do and feel what you need in order to heal. Do not hesitate to let your therapist know about your experiences.
We highly recommend reading the “Patients Guide in Understanding Myofascial Release” and/or “Healing Ancient Wounds” . As always, ask your therapist for professional therapy guidance.
Myofascial Release (MFR), Therapeutic Yoga and patient education are powerful tools to help alleviate your pain, restore fluidity and function, enabling you to return to healthy active living.
(901) 336-4902
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2075 N. Germantown Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
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