About Us
Our MISSION is to enable and empower our patients / therapists to realize their inner potential towards health and wellness.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy recipients have reported significant and remarkable improvements when MFR has been used along with conventional physical therapy approaches. Often times, patients report easing of symtoms after their first session.
MFR Yoga
MFR Yoga practice emphasizes on integrating the triad of John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release, Unwinding & Rebounding, along with pranayama (breathing), body rolling & mind-body awareness while in yoga asanas (postures).
Pelvic Health
The Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support (APOPS) highly recommends MFR therapy as a valuable treatment for pelvic organ prolapse. Grace Vedala, PT, 200-ERYT has extensive training in women’s health and is listed as a MFR Pelvic Floor Therapist in TN.
Therapy recipients have reported remarkable improvements when John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release (MFR) was used along with conventional PT approaches.
Often times, patients reported ease of symptoms after their first session.
Grace co-owns and operates MFR YOGA™ with her husband, Raghu, since September 2008. She has completed all trainings (Expert Level) in Myofascial Release taught by John F. Barnes, PT, international lecturer and the authority on MFR. She is also one of the many assistant instructors of John F. Barnes.
Grace graduated from Cebu Doctor’s University, Philippines in 1993. She has worked in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), geriatric nursing facilities and special needs population. She uses kinesiotaping, myofascial stretching, yoga, subtle energy/reiki, creative body movements and biofeedback techniques as an adjunct to her treatment strategies. She has extensive training in women’s health and is listed as a MFR Pelvic Floor Therapist in TN. Grace also completed MFR Equine training and can treat animals and horses.
She completed her 200-hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher’s Training at The Sanctuary for Yoga in Nashville, TN on April, 12, 2015. She also has additional training in Yin Yoga (taught by Elizabeth Stewart), Wall Yoga (taught by Bryan Legere) and APPI Pilates (Level 1 Mat) from Australian Physiotherapy Pilates Institute. Grace is a credentialed member of Yoga Alliance.
MFR Credentials
Grace has completed ALL John Barnes MFR seminars with multiple repeats on MFR-1, MFR-2, MFR-3, Cervical-Thoracic, Fascial-Pelvis, Fascial-Cranium, Myofascial Mobilization, Pediatric Myofascial Release, MFR Unwinding, Advanced MFR Unwinding, MFR Rebounding, MFR Women’s Health, Quantum Leap, Myofascial Healing, Skill Enhancement Seminar and Subtle Energy 1-2. She is also a Study Group Leader in West Tennessee/Metro Memphis area.
We continue to enhance our skills by retaking seminars and receiving MFR treatments. We have successfully integrated the JFB-MFR and Therapeutic benefits of Yoga into our Physical sessions.

“Grace Vedala is an amazing physical therapist specializing in Myofascial Release (MFR). She also started the movement of incorporating MFR therapy into Yoga sessions. My wife was ready to have surgery that may not have even really helped her when she found Grace and was able to find relief without it. It was a miracle to us.”
Mary Nell Young
Mary Nell graduated with her degree as a Physical Therapist Assistant from Shelby State Community College in 1995. She has worked in various settings over the last 25 years including outpatient, inpatient rehab, acute care, and skilled nursing facilities. She has experience in both pediatrics and adults with orthopedic, neurological, chronic pain, cardiopulmonary and wound care diagnoses.
Mary Nell began as a John F. Barnes trained therapist in 2004 with Pediatric Myofascial Release and continued with MFR 1, Myofascial Mobilization, and MFR Yoga with plans for more training in the near future.
She has served as a Clinical Instructor for PTA students from Southwest TN and Concorde Career Colleges, and has co-instructed a TPTA approved class for Kinesiology taping techniques.
Krissi Moore
Krissi Moore received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2010. Though she has treated patients with a variety of conditions, her focus has been on orthopedics. She earned her Orthopedic Specialty from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties in 2014 and received advanced manual training to become a Certified Mulligan Practioner in 2019. Krissi also received training on dry needling, kinesiotaping, and IASTM.
Krissi started her journey as a John F. Barnes MFR trained therapist in 2011 by taking Pediatric Myofascial Release. She also completed Myofascial Mobilization, MFR-1, and MFR Yoga with future goals to continue attending more courses.
Since 2015, she has been able to assist with labs at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s PT program. Beginning in 2020, she began teaching for the PTA program at Southwest TN Community College. She has also taught CEU courses locally and has served as an officer for the Memphis District of APTA TN for multiple years.
Myofascial Release (MFR), Therapeutic Yoga and patient education are powerful tools to help alleviate your pain, restore fluidity and function, enabling you to return to healthy active living.
(901) 336-4902
Home Clinic
2075 N. Germantown Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
Email Address