(901) 336-4902 FAX: 901-202-9088 Grace@MemphisMFRyoga.com

MFR Yoga

Experience the Difference

The unique approach of MFR YOGA™ leaves us feeling light, grounded, spacious and more open in our heart, mind, body and spirit. It will empower you to live life with passion and grace, while enjoying a pain-free active lifestyle.

What is MFR YOGA™?

MFR YOGA™ is a style of yoga envisioned and created by Grace D. Vedala, PT, 200-ERYT. This therapeutic yoga approach is truly unique and one of a kind. MFR YOGA™ emphasizes on integrating the triad of John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release (MFR), Unwinding and Rebounding, along with Pranayama (breathing), Myofascial Body Rolling and mind-body awareness while students are in yoga asanas (postures).The vision of this type of yoga and therapy approach is to help practitioners learn the foundational alignments of the body, how to release myofascial restrictions and develop an effective way to achieve a more fluid, healthy body. Everyone deserves a more fulfilling happy life.

Join Us

We have a beautiful yoga & healing space where we provide a very personalized, one-on-one therapy session. Your time is highly valuable to us hence we make sure you receive our skilled services for pain relief, empowering you with tools and knowledge on your very first visit.

We offer private and group yoga sessions through a pre-booked appointment. Cost depends on class size.

$130/ 1hr Private Yoga session – 1-4 people

Call to Schedule session


Students learn the basic principles of MFR & the foundational alignments of yoga practice


Students continue to learn a deeper understanding of blending Myofascial Release & Yoga into their healing process

Body Rolling & Wall Yoga

Learn how to release myofascial restrictions in their body to ease pain, improve quality of life through the power of breath, unwinding, ball / foam rolling, use of straps and harness from our yoga wall

How is MFR YOGA™ different from other styles of yoga?

MFR YOGA™, as a practice, will guide you on how to find myofascial restrictions in your body (anything that feels hard, hot or tender) so you can release and open up into your own freedom of movement. Our sessions are geared towards the students’ needs, helping you identify areas that requires healing, and accordingly, we design a series of gentle therapeutic yoga postures, MFR body rolling techniques, creative visualizations and home program. JFB-MFR and the Yogic principles will allow your body to move and undo the “kinks” of your energetic flow. All of the tools we teach can be done at home and can be incorporated into our students’ daily life, empowering them to keep releasing and truly heal themselves.

What are the benefits of practicing MFR YOGA™?

MFR YOGA™ balances out the Central Nervous System (CNS) guiding our students on how to move out of the Sympathetic Nervous System (fight, flight and freezing responses) into the Para-sympathetic Nervous System where we truly heal.

Without awareness there is no choice! Learning how to listen to the “fascial voice” and feel what is going on in our body is the foundation of what we teach. We have to feel in order to heal, then one can start the empowering journey of releasing the tight fascia and restoring balance back into the body.


We use gentle therapeutic yoga, MFR body rolling, somatic movement, unwinding, myofascial stretching, rebounding, breath work and hands on MFR techniques to restore and bring your body back to balance. All of the tools we teach can be done at home and can be incorporated into your daily life empowering you to heal yourself.

MFR Body Rolling

Balls, foam rollers, thera canes, half rollers, occipivots, wooden back rollers are great learning tools for a home program to open, release fascial restrictions, realign and center the whole body.

MFR Wall Yoga

Straps and harnesses support the body creating access to a wide variety of yoga poses, inversions & twists bringing sustained gentle traction, spinal / joint decompression, body awareness and increased freedom of movements.


MFR Unwinding Workshop

This is a 2 hour workshop available upon request. A pre-requisite of at least 1 MFR session with Grace or from any JFB-MFR trained therapist is required to attend. Maximum 6 people. Pre-payment of $50.

MFR YOGA™ Mentoring Program

Available upon request. Applicants need to submit a written request stating their goals and intention for the program. Once accepted, a schedule will be set. We need at least 2 weeks notice to obtain consent from our patients. The program includes working with Grace side by side during her patient therapy sessions, receiving JFB-MFR session/s, learning MFR YOGA™ self treatment approach, Question & Answer time and lastly, you will treat Grace for your exit feedback. Attendee have an option to choose between 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days mentoring program. Cost depends on mentoring option selected. Please call Grace at 901-336-4902 or email us at Grace@MemphisMFRyoga.com for any inquiries / sign up.

Fascial Unwinding Dance Class

This is a 1.5 hr class available upon request. Any JFB-MFR therapists, yoga practitioners/ graduates of our MFR Unwinding workshop can attend. Maximum 6 people. Pre-payment of $25.

“Journey to Inner Self “ MFR YOGA™ Retreat

Available upon request for any company, church, school groups, etc. who are looking for a unique way to relax, restore, unwind and empower. It is day of fun full of light inspiring stories, self reflections, camaraderie and celebrations while learning the valuable self healing wisdom of The John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release (MFR) Approach® uniquely blended with a yoga practice. Participants can indulge  themselves in the peaceful setting of St. Columba, Memphis TN along with the delicious and lovingly prepared lunch, snacks, 2 MFR YOGA™ classes, creative journaling and labyrinth / nature trail walk. Educational materials provided. Call Grace 901-336-4902 for details or to set up the event.

“Foundations of Teaching MFR YOGA™ “ Workshop
Always open for registration. This is an interactive & fun weekend workshop learning how to effectively integrate the John F Barnes’ Myofascial Release & Yoga as powerful tools for wellness & self healing. All MFR therapists and/ or Yoga teachers who has taken any JFB-MFR seminars are welcome. Pre-requisite is a must to understand how to effectively teach MFR YOGA™ and to preserve the authenticity of The John F Barnes’ MFR Approach®.
Investment: Pre-payment of $590 (single registrant) or $570 (2 or more registered together) is needed to reserve a spot. Space is limited up to 6 people. This is a 25-hr weekend workshop starting on a Friday 4-9 pm, Saturday 9 am – 6 pm and Sunday 9 am – 6 pm. Educational materials & light snacks provided. Call Grace 901-336-4902 for schedule, details or to register.

March 3, 2025

Myofascial Release (MFR), Therapeutic Yoga and patient education are powerful tools to help alleviate your pain, restore fluidity and function, enabling you to return to healthy active living.


(901) 336-4902

Home Clinic

2075 N. Germantown Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016

Email Address


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